web design gallery

Prior to my work with Orange County Fire, I spent 10 years as a designer and manager at Toshiba. As a result, much of the work displayed here are Toshiba projects. If you're interested in my ability to design for your brand, products, or applications, please let me know. I am always happy to create a specific sample design to showcase my talents for your particular needs.

This page showed the features and benefits of a new, high-end laptop.

This page showed the features and benefits of a new, high-end laptop.

A module from the Orange County Fire Incident Reporting and Investigation System (IRIS).

A module from the Orange County Fire Incident Reporting and Investigation System (IRIS).

Product line-up for for Toshiba's line of 4K TVs. It included an interactive magnifier feature to demonstrate the resolution difference between 4K and standard HDTV.

Product line-up for for Toshiba's line of 4K TVs. It included an interactive magnifier feature to demonstrate the resolution difference between 4K and standard HDTV.

Dividing the homepage real estate between the many divisions of Toshiba USA was a constant challenge of negotiation and design. This is one example of when we were able to put laptops front and center.

Dividing the homepage real estate between the many divisions of Toshiba USA was a constant challenge of negotiation and design. This is one example of when we were able to put laptops front and center.

Furniture design and woodworking are passions of mine and I recently began making my work available for sale. This is the latest comp for the redesign of my website for this function.

Furniture design and woodworking are passions of mine and I recently began making my work available for sale. This is the latest comp for the redesign of my website for this function.

Mobile version of the Pizza Design furniture homepage.

Mobile version of the Pizza Design furniture homepage.

A list page from the Orange County Fire Incident Reporting and Investigation System (IRIS).

A list page from the Orange County Fire Incident Reporting and Investigation System (IRIS).

Concept for a detail page for my furniture showcase website.

Concept for a detail page for my furniture showcase website.

Sliding two-way navigation to provide easier navigation into a complex and robust line of laptop products.

Sliding two-way navigation to provide easier navigation into a complex and robust line of laptop products.

Creating effective navigation to over 30 different "series" of laptops divided into 5 families was an ongoing challenge.

Creating effective navigation to over 30 different "series" of laptops divided into 5 families was an ongoing challenge.

One of many iterations of the Toshiba homepage over the years.

One of many iterations of the Toshiba homepage over the years.

Each year for April Fools Day, we launched a "fake" product and included a webpage and usually produced a video. This one was one of our most successful.

Each year for April Fools Day, we launched a "fake" product and included a webpage and usually produced a video. This one was one of our most successful.

A page created for D-Link's line of WiFi camera's. After the design was approved, the client purchased the stock images and replaced them during development (please excuse the watermarks).

A page created for D-Link's line of WiFi camera's. After the design was approved, the client purchased the stock images and replaced them during development (please excuse the watermarks).

For April Fools 2014, we created a spoof on the "wearable device" trend that was just catching fire. Ironically, Samsung and HTC both also did wearable devices for their April Fools gags that year, but we took it to a whole other level.

For April Fools 2014, we created a spoof on the "wearable device" trend that was just catching fire. Ironically, Samsung and HTC both also did wearable devices for their April Fools gags that year, but we took it to a whole other level.